Friday, September 4, 2009

Top Tip for getting a raise.

Even in a recession!

That is correct! Even in a recession you can get a raise, you just have to be smart about it!

1. Knowledge is and always has been power, so before you pursue a pay raise, do your research!

2. You need to show your boss that you are exceeding your job requirements, and therefore have more worth than others doing your job.

3. Don't work harder, work smarter for that raise. Know what managements long term goals are, and try to reach for them.

4. If you can do the job of 2 mediocre employees, and 1.5 time the cost, you are a better buy for your company! Find 2 other co-workers, and try to match their total output!

5. Be polite and realistic. If you boss gives you a sound reason for no raise, and you can not rebut him politely, thank him for his time and wait until later to try again.